Thanks fellas, rater rude of me not to give ATS a Good Bull on that Tom--he looks like a true trophy. I'm hopping that the rain that we have been getting this Spring doesn't hurt the chick hatch. The amount of fisher, fox, and coons I think has caused our turkey population to dip. 2022 i was introduced to a new top dog bird when I had this come in for a kill and vear off at the last part of its dive. It stood there looking at my decoys for 20 seconds then flew up to perch in a big tulip tree at the top of the field. After 5 minutes it flew back down the Mt. The Bird I was working had shut up and we couldn't get any more action that morning. I have no doubt in my head that was not the first time that bird had done that--maybe the first time on fake breakfast. The bird man at the Grahamsville Fair said it must have been a female because of its size-- he said males are smaller. You can see the Tulip tree it flew up into ---the big tree on the left by the stone wall. When it came in it was from the right to left and happened fast and changed its vector I'd say the last 10 yards. When it flew off I remember thinking about the wing span-- it looked well over 5' with very powerful thrusts.