1). POLITICAL PETITIONS – Be Advised we are in the Political Petition “Season”. This is an important part of the process where each candidate needs to collect a certain amount of signatures from voters registered with each party in order for the candidate to appear on the ballot. Please help in the process if possible. How to help is normally to sign and collect signatures. Right now with Coronavirus the petition process may be changed due to the fact some people are unwilling to open the door to sign. Ulster County Board of Elections is waiting on Albany to decide if and how the process will be altered in light of coronavirus. For the moment collect signatures at your club meeting if possible. And if not please be prepared to participate in electronic petitioning or whatever comes down from Albany. This may be last minute. If you need petitions, walk lists, voter reg lists, absentee ballots, to ask questions, etc… please contact me preferably by text at 914.466.5940, or by email at elmer.lesuer@gmail.com, or contact UC Board Of Elections Deputy Commissioner John Quigley at his cell phone - 845.334.8287 or at his office UC Board Of Elections at 845.334.5470.
2). US CONGRESS - NY Congressional District 19 (covers all of Ulster County)
2020 Candidates: Antonio Delgado vs (Not Sure Yet)
2020 Primary Candidates: Kyle VanDeWater, Ola Hawatmeh
Early Candidate Tony German has dropped and thrown his endorsement to Ola Hawatmeh -
https://olaforcongress.com/ . Ola has been given the Conservative Party Nomination, through a process that is rumored to have been controversially decided by the County Chair & Albany Party Leaders going against the County Committee. She seems to have an impressive knack for networking with upline and power people, and she definitely got off to a better start fundraising…
Ola fired campaign mgr.
The Republican Committee Nomination went to Kyle Van De Water -
https://www.facebook.com/kyle4congress/. Kyle has a military background is an attorney and is polished. I was impressed by his speech at the GOP Nominating Convention and he reminded me in his down to earth people person speaking of Chris Gibson.
It is petition period for the next couple weeks and petitions are being circulated for both candidates. Some people carrying petitions will be biased toward one candidate or the other and may not let you know there is another candidate.
Both candidates are outstanding and we would do very well to have either... especially compared to Delgado who continues to carry policy for Pelosi and his upline party leadership. Reminder… It looks as though neither will drop out so if it does in fact come to a primary, we need to learn a lesson from the Faso vs Heaney primary where many sportsmen became bitterly polarized. Let’s do what we gotta’ do as individuals ‘til primary and get all in behind whoever is the final candidate the day after the Primary…
Both candidates have been invited to speak at the FSCUC Monthly Meeting.
NYS Senate District 46 – (Is/Was Senator George Amedore Who Is Dropping Out)
2020 Candidates: Rich Amedure vs (Michelle Hinchey looks like Hinchey may have a Primary)
Rich Amedure -
https://amedureforsenate.com/https://statisticalatlas.com/state-upper-legislative-district/New-York/State-Senate-District-46/Overviewhttps://www.nysenate.gov/district/46PART OF UC IN THIS DISTRICT: City Of Kingston, Village Of Saugerties, Towns: Esopus, Hurley, Kingston, Lloyd, Marbletown, Saugerties, Ulster, Woodstock.
Rich Amedure is a SOLID candidate. I am very relieved to see that we have a candidate who can actually beat the Hinchey legacy and Fundraising. Hs is VP of NYS Troopers PBA, and was closely connected to Senator George Amedore, and Congressman Chris Gibson. He comes from a rural area and identifies with pro-sportsmen and pro-2A issues. He says he feels the keys to his election are Woodstock and Saugerties. Our Federation support and turnout will make or break this race without a doubt. Saugerties and Wittenberg clubs need to invite him to meting and actively support him. All four Senate races are important, but this is the biggest race FSCUC can actually impact to a win /loss.
NYS Senate District 39 – (Was Larkin is James Skoufis)
2020 Candidates: Steve Brescia -
https://bresciaforsenate.com/https://statisticalatlas.com/state-upper-legislative-district/New-York/State-Senate-District-39/Overviewhttps://www.nysenate.gov/district/39PART OF UC IN THIS DISTRICT: Towns: Marlboro, Plattekill
I spoke with Steve. He is the mayor in the Village Of Montgomery (Orange County). He is Pro2A/ProSportsman. He is planning to speak at Federation Meeting.
NYS Senate District 42 – (Was Bonacic Is Jen Metzger)
2020 Candidates: Mike Martucci vs Jen Metzger
Mike Martucci -
https://www.martucci4senate.com/https://statisticalatlas.com/state-upper-legislative-district/New-York/State-Senate-District-42/Overviewhttps://www.nysenate.gov/district/42PART OF UC IN THIS DISTRICT: Village Of New Paltz Towns: Denning, Gardiner, Highland, New Paltz, Rosendale, Shawangunk, Wallkill, Wawarsing
I spoke to Mike. He is very professional, his is staff is organized Mike Martucci, and he speaks and presents well. He is Pro2A & ProSportsmen. He was scheduled to speak at the March Meeting until the meeting was cancelled. He will come to speak at your club (if its in the district of course)
NYS Senate District 51 – (Was/Is Seward Who Is Dropping Out)
2020 Candidates: Peter Oberacker vs (Not Sure)
Peter Oberacker -
https://www.facebook.com/Peter4Senate51/https://statisticalatlas.com/state-upper-legislative-district/New-York/State-Senate-District-51/Overview#nav-map/placehttps://www.nysenate.gov/district/51PART OF UC IN THIS DISTRICT: Towns: Hardenburgh, Olive, Rochester, Shandaken
Peter Oberacker was a late entrant into this race and I have not spoken to him, but I have been told he carries right of center values including Pro2A & Pro Sportsman Issues.
NYS Assembly District 101 – Brian Miller
2020 Candidates: Brian Miller vs (?)
https://statisticalatlas.com/state-lower-legislative-district/New-York/Assembly-District-101/Overview#nav-map/placehttps://nyassembly.gov/mem/Brian-D-Miller/map/PART OF UC IN THIS DISTRICT: Towns: Denning, Hardenburgh, Shawangunk, Wawarsing
Brian Miller has been an outstanding representative of Pro Sportsman and Pro 2A Issues. Brian has the “landing strip” district which stretches one or two towns wide up across 7 counties all the way up to Utica, but he carries UC & FSCUC concerns as though it was the only county.
NYS Assembly District 102 – Chris Tague
2020 Candidates: Chris Tague vs (probably unopposed)
https://statisticalatlas.com/state-lower-legislative-district/New-York/Assembly-District-102/Overviewhttps://assembly.state.ny.us/mem/Chris-Tague/map/PART OF UC IN THIS DISTRICT: Village Of Saugerties, Town Of Saugerties
Chris Tague has been an outstanding representative of Pro Sportsman and Pro 2A Issues. I was personally impressed with his speech at the GOP Nominating Convention this year.
NYS Assembly District 103 – Kevin Cahill
2020 Candidates: Kevin Cahill vs Rex Bridges
https://statisticalatlas.com/state-lower-legislative-district/New-York/Assembly-District-103/Overviewhttps://nyassembly.gov/mem/Kevin-A-Cahill/map/PART OF UC IN THIS DISTRICT: City Of Kingston, Village Of New Paltz, Towns: Esopus, Gardiner, Hurley, Kingston, Marbletown, New Paltz, Olive, Plattekill, Rochester, Rosendale, Shandaken, Ulster, Woodstock
Rex Bridges is a registered Conservative and is Pro2A/ProSportsman Issues…
NYS Assembly District 104 – Jonathan Jacobson
2020 Candidates: Jonathan Jacobsen has an opponent don’t know much about him
https://statisticalatlas.com/state-lower-legislative-district/New-York/Assembly-District-104/Overviewhttps://nyassembly.gov/mem/Jonathan-G-Jacobson/map/PART OF UC IN THIS DISTRICT: Towns: Lloyd, Marlborough
Jonathan Jacobson is not Pro2A/Pro Sportsman. Jacobson has a Republican opponent, but opponent is not well organized.
5). ULSTER COUNTY LEGISLATIVE NEWS - Nothing to report other than I have heard of complaints from elected officials that the County Exec’s Office is not communicating well, so it is difficult to impossible to have a united front.
6). NYSRPA VS NYC: SCOTUS Deliberating - Nothing to report.
7). RECOMMENDATION: It is further recommended that FSCUC member orgs actively seek ways to show their orgs, the FSCUC & all sportsmen as “STEWARDS OF THE ENVIRONMENT”, “MEMBERS OF THE COMMUNITY”. Can your club sign up for a highway cleanup, or participate in a foster child mentoring program, or host a thanksgiving meal open to public or promote & host some sort of way to care for the environmental type of speaker event/series?
. TIP: Follow FSCUC to get alerts in Facebook:
https://www.facebook.com/groups/fscuc/9). TIP: Get FSCUC Minutes/Alerts Directly By Email: