1). DELGADO VS ?: Tony German has dropped out citing financial concerns. He has thrown his endorsement to Ola Hawatmeh -
https://olaforcongress.com/ . She apparently has $200k in her war chest at this point, and is expected to increase that to $250k by Valentines Day. Also running Kyle Van De Water -
https://www.facebook.com/kyle4congress/. Kyle has a military background is an attorney and is polished, but his war chest does not have as deep of pockets at this point. Bartle Bull was considering making a run, but now has officially dropped out of consideration. Both candidates are outstanding especially compared to Delgado who continues to carry policy for Pelosi and upline leadership. Reminder… This congressional district voted for Bernie over Hillary in the Primary, and was won by Trump over Hillary in the Presidential election. Soros bought in and a ton of left of center PAC money had to be spent in support of Delgado. So we (right of center) can definitely can do this! The official endorsement will be announced soon, and depending on that we may have a primary, and we may not. But if it comes to a primary we need to learn a lesson from the Faso vs Heaney primary where many sportsman became bitterly polarized. Let’s do what we gotta do til primary and get all in behind whoever is the final candidate the day after the Primary…
2). STATE SENATE RACES ULSTER COUNTY: As reported last month, Amedore announced he would not run to hold his office after Michelle Hinchey, (Yes former Congressman Maurice Hinchey’s daughter), announced she would be running for the seat. BUT there is an AMEDORE that will… Distant cousin Rick Amedore rumored to be very well qualified, Rick is VP of NYS Troopers PBA. Senator Seward has announced he will not run, and Peter Overbacher will run on the Republican line to replace Seward. Mike Martucci will run for Republicans against incumbent liberal Senator Jenn Metzger, in what used to be John Banacic’s district. And at the moment there is a potential candidate to run against incumbent liberal Senator Skoufis who won Larkins seat last cycle. We (FSCUC/Sportsmen) have been asked to drive support for the Congressional seat, but even more so for the State Senate seats. Obviously we need to regain the Senate to help shut down uber liberal, anti 2A legislation.
3). STATE ASSEMBLY RACES IN ULSTER COUNTY: Our people should know that there are 4 State Assembly Districts that have a piece of Ulster County. The largest footprint is held by Kevin Cahill, Other Assembly Members representing part of Ulster County are Brian Miller, Chris Tague, and Jonathan Jacobson. I have not heard any challengers officially announce at this point. Reminder: Assembly Member Will Barclay from Fulton (Oswego area) has been elected to be the new NYS Assembly Minority Leader.
4). ULSTER COUNTY LEGISLATIVE NEWS - Ulster County Legislator Chair for 2020 is Dave Donaldson. Soros spent Over $300k (that we know about) to get Dave Clegg elected. It is confusing and a bitter pill to see Clegg win, especially by 77 votes. The hard part is knowing if each of our member orgs brought out 3 more people, or collected 3 absentee ballots we would have a different DA… One who wouldn’t be likely to press charges on self defense or gun related incidence just to get nationwide press for antis. But on the positive side it should be said that GOP voter registration trails Dem voter reg by about 18,000 voters. So to make up 17,928 votes is somewhat heartening. By the way an 18,000 reg deficit underscores the importance of going outside of the comfort zone to get voter registrations.
In the County Leg Races Jim Maloney’s seat was lost by 33 votes… All we needed was one more seat to secure the majority and avoid whatever uber lib legislation we will see come to fruition over this and next years. Noteworthy… One person on left of aisle collected 200 absentee ballots. It’s just a matter of deciding to do it. Also, maybe one of the best things I have heard is that the right of center movers and shakers are finally looking ahead and starting to build candidates for the next County Exec race right now.
-UCGOP Convention to decide official endorsement for candidates will be Feb 22nd, 11am, Town of Ulster Town Hall.
-Unified Petitions (meaning Congressional and State candidate petitions) signing period is Feb 25th – March 25th.
-City of Kingston GOP is hosting a mixer on March 24th at Savonas on the Strand. No admission fee, Limited capacity, ¬RSVP Only, NY State Chairman Nick Langworthy will be meet and greet and guest speaker. For RSVP contact Elmer.
5). NYSRPA VS NYC: SCOTUS Deliberating - Nothing to report.
6). RECOMMENDATION: FSCUC Board met and approved approaching Chairman Donaldson and County Executive Pat Ryan to attempt to establish formally that the Federation is an environmentally friendly organization and would very much like to partner with the County Government on policies and actions intended to improve habitat, sporting opportunity, sporting education, and enjoyment sporting activity in general. It is further recommended that FSCUC member orgs actively seek ways to show their orgs, the FSCUC and sportsmen in general as the original “STEWARDS OF THE ENVIRONMENT”.
7). RECOMMENDATION: There are 100+ UCGOP Committee Seats open throughout the County. This committee recommends member orgs to find sportsmen/like-minded people in following areas to become committeemen & help serve as watchdogs… 3-5 people in Saugerties area, 3-5 in Marlboro/Lloyd Area, 3-5 in Wawarsing Shawangunk Olive Harding Area, and 8-12 in Kingston and the rest of Kevin Cahills district. Contact Elmer for procedure to claim a seat.
. TIP: Find Legislative News Here:
https://newyorksportsmen.com/index.php/board,59.0.html9). TIP: Follow FSCUC to get alerts in Facebook:
https://www.facebook.com/groups/fscuc/10). TIP: Get FSCUC Minutes/Alerts By Email:
http://eepurl.com/gSomy911). TIP: LINK To Jan 2020 Legislative Report: