Quick little update from last weekends trips that are definitely some great highlights of the season.
Friday night had a great charter with full coolers of seabass porgys and 1 slot Striper for the table before hitting bass grounds. This group has a you man with some physical disabilities but we made accommodations and put him on some great fishing. He was able to real in with some assistance a nice 44"er. Other guys in group all caught bass in the 42-46" range all biggest fish bay far they've ever caught!
Saturday nights trip also full cooler of seabass and porgys then hit bass grounds in some sporty conditions and 6-7' seas. After a few drifts hit the motherload with a double of a 46" and slob of 52" 54#....
Sunday morning did some personal exploration on a new fishery to me and and attempted Tuna along with BGK and Chris. Got to grounds a bit later than hoped because of some fun conversations and a few beers night before honestly should have never gone to sleep. Got to tuna grounds about 6:15 and got set up with a jig rod and started setting out the first bait rod. Literally my first line in water, first drift first drop hooked up before bait hit the bottom on my very first tuna.... had to wake Barry up and chris was ready with an excellent gaff job landing a nice eater Bluefin!
We had another short strike on bait nothing on the jig and the troll was fruitless unfortunately. I have to say I'm ecstatic to have gone out completely DIY and have some success especially never doing even a Tuna trip on another boat before. It is definitely going to be a new addition to my fishing endeavors with more tuna trips! I'm hoping for one more weather window to go offshore before I pull the boat out.
Capt Pat