Hunting- In The New York Area > New York Small Game Hunting

Just a HEN


This morning's sole hen ..... ... at least my decoy army and blockhouse didn't seem to phase her and she hung around for an hour and even moved in closer. Then a little while later I look across the field and thought the woods was on fire. All i saw was smoke and everything seems super dry. Then I realized I was looking @ a dirt storm because someone was in there tearing up the ground. When I left I went over and found the picture below .... it was a 2inch ditch and if u look close enough there's a turkey print in the center ..... good luck ....

Dusting hole--they use the same ones year after year.  Helps keep the lice problem at bay.  Chickens do the same thing.  Think about that when you toss them over your shoulder to carry them out.

ole bleu:
If you have patience to sit over a dusting area you’ve got a good chance to harvest a nice Tom for sure


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