Hunting- In The New York Area > New York Big Game Hunting

How many old guys are still deer hunting

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oooo in my late 20's I diy built a deer cart because dragging deer sucked. Didn't last long but was a huge difference.  I picked up an aluminum hand truck that has an extended U handle for going up stairs and a few straps is about as easy as it gets unless really rugged terrain and brush. Last few years I don't go in very deep so only a few hundred yard drag or I go back and grab my Jet Sled for bigger deer and bear. Its really sweet when snow is on ground barely broke a sweat.... my son has helped drag a few which i would not have even considered asking for help but definitely starting to slow down and get fat plus need a knee replacement in the next few years and I'm only 45.

At 65, I only hunt where I can use my quad. When I can no longer use it, I’ll likely give up hunting.

i am 56 and my dad is 82 and still hunts and still trolls shokan and roundout often  rowing for hours sometimes.

Here we go...I hate sounding like this but' when I was younger a 6' length of rope, good boots, the 06, a few pbjs's and a few apples with some water and I was gone from the truck or farm for the day.  Heck I would even try to follow Abe for the day when he would say "I cut a bear track up on peak while I was out looking for white rabbits( which if you knew him he was always doing)I think I know where he's going!" He was in his 70's back then and still would be a challenge to follow.  He took me up peak in just under 1 1/2 hr bushwakin 100% of the way.  He would not stop walking to take a leak (I swear on that--I'm not kidding, unfortunately eye witness to it more than once but to talk about that subject any more with old Abe 6' under would be disrespectful.  I'm in my early late 50s now and my farming habits take time in the fall that I should spend in the woods. Most of my deer hunting now is in stands with trails from the D3 Cat near that zig-zag my well posted farm now so the drag is mostly done with a UTV or tractor with a bucket.  I plan on hunting the rest of my days and will come to rest around my favorite stand overlooking my farm if all of my wishes are followed but hopefully that's a story for years to come.  Love watching the next generation in my crew that hunt and will take the time to show them a few of the bear dens that old Abe pointed out to me over the years.

Appleman, over the last 25 years ive seen Abe high in the woods many many times always on the move not sure how he shot deer moving so fast but he always seemed to shoot something. I think him walking around with his johnson out was later in his life because of prostate problems . Im 52 not sure what its like dragging deer out in my 50's as i have not shot one in the last few years. LOL.  I will say i do have a couple stands that are about 2miles up hill and i only got to each of them twice this year do to the fact that hiking in the snow really puts a hurting on me these days. The day i cant hunt in the back woods any longer is the day i give up deer hunting for good .. FISH ON..


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